In Kalamazoo, the day began in the
early morning as “the good people of the village began to bring to
Corporation Hall their floral offerings. . . And especially
attractive was the sight of little girls coming in from almost every
street, carrying in their hands, fresh and fragrant bouquets or upon
their arms beautiful floral wreaths. During the forenoon the ladies
of the Decoration Committee and other patriotic ladies were actively
engaged in arranging the flowers – culling the choicest and
collecting them tastefully into bouquets and chaplets.
At one o'clock the business houses were
closed, and the citizens began to assemble at the places appointed
for the forming of the procession.”
Those in the procession lined up and
consisted of the: “Silver Cornet Band, Knights Templar, Odd
Fellows, Typographical Union, German Harmonia Society, German
Workingmen's Society, Holland Workingmen's Society, German Band,
school children in the band wagon and on foot, citizens and soldiers,
officers of the day (in carriages), Decoration Committee and young
ladies to decorate the graves (in carriages), and President and
trustees” of Kalamazoo (in carriages).
“The line moved down Main Street.
The walks on either side were crowded with people; many of whom, in
spite of the oppressive heat, accompanied the procession on foot to
Riverside, where the principle exercises of the day were held. The
procession was nearly a mile in length.”
Many people had already assembled at
the cemetery for the solemn occasion. The band played, a prayer was
offered and the names of the honored dead buried in both Riverside
and Mountain Home cemeteries were read. There were fifty in all.
The band played “the exceedingly appropriate and touching piece
entitled 'Sleeping for the Flag,' which was followed by an address by
the Honorable Charles S. May. In his speech, May stated “We feel
this service to be a public duty. These men and their memory now
belong to us; they form hereafter a part, the most glorious part,
indeed, of our local history.” “To be remembered after death –
this is one of the dearest wishes of the human heart. These men were
as humble as patriotic. They did not expect great rewards of honors
or riches for the service they so freely gave. But they did expect
that we would remember them. This thought was everywhere with them
to sustain and uphold them. On the weary march, in the hospital or
prison pen, in the day of battle, their minds turned back to their
far-off Northern homes, and they said, 'Do they think of us? Will
they remember us if we fall.'” May continued, discussing the
reasons we must not forget the fallen and their sacrifices for our
country. I won't elaborate as the same reasons are given today.
Following the oration, the young ladies
in white, escorted by the Odd Fellows and the Knights Templar
prepared to decorate the graves of the fallen. Those fulfilling this
duty at Mountain Home Cemetery left in carriages, while those engaged
at Riverside passed “from grave to grave, strewing flowers, fresh
and fragrant, over the resting places of our patriotic dead.”
I hope we all took a moment to really
remember those in our families who served their country, and not just
by eating a hot dog.
Kalamazoo Telegraph, 5-31-1871, p4.
Kalamazoo Telegraph, 5-31-1871, p4.